Customer Feedback

With over 30 years’ experience in the pet travel industry, the team at Jetpets love nothing more than hearing heart-warming, happy stories about families reuniting with their beloved pet or welcoming a new pet into their lives. Why not share your Jetpets experience and in doing so, help other pet owners.

Jetpets Happy Travellers



Mackay to London, United Kingdom
Hi Montana, Keeley has arrived safely much to the delight of my daughters. Thanks for all your help and care for our special buddy. Cheers, Paul



Melbourne to Jakarta, Indonesia
Hi Nicole, How are you? Just want to thank Jetpets and the staffs for the assistance during Qibi's move to Indonesia. Qibi is happy and settling down in his new home. Here some pictures of Qibi πŸ™‚ Regards, Irina


Gucci, Nancy and Stranger

Sydney to London, United Kingdom
Hi Danielle,   Cats arrived safely in London! Here is a pic of them on their arrival with my friend who is looking after them for me until I get there.   I logged onto Skype at 5am to see them arriving at my friends house at about 8pm London time. They seemed to be back to their usual self with Stranger eating, Nancy exploring and Gucci hitting the others to say 'go away'. Quite reassuring considering they endured a considerable delay departing from Sydney.   Thanks again for your help. Everything went very smooth and you were able to answer all my questions!   Thanks, Glen



Melbourne to Auckland, New Zealand
Hi Nikki and team, just letting you know that Bronson arrived safe and sound in New Zealand - looking like a million dollars while Jane and I look the worse for wear. Once again thank you so much for making everything run so smoothly and a special thanks to your driver he was fantastic. Regards, Tricia


Sage, Snow & Storm

Perth to Singapore, Singapore
Hi Danielle,   Excuse me for taking a bit of time to reply to your email. I wanted to accompany this email with pictures of my catbabies.   Do take a look. Thank you very much for your assistance in our relocation. You've been a great help!!! πŸ™‚ I've added quite a number of pics. Hope you enjoy them. Cheers!!   Greetings from Singapore! Do come visit and buzz us! We can show you around town!!   Cheers! Samuie, Sage, Snow & Storm. πŸ™‚