How your pet helps you to feel your best

Our pets are great at getting us back to feeling our best! And, we’ll admit it, they’re pretty cute too!


If there’s one thing we need besides food and water as humans, it’s companionship and love! Our beautiful furry friends provide both, in abundance! Animals are quite intuitive too, so they will know when you need company, or a lick on the nose.

Unconditional love

There isn’t a better feeling than to be greeted by your fur-family when you return from a long day at work! Whether you’ve had a bad day at work, or are going through a rough time in your personal life – your pet is still going to love you no matter what.

Get outside and moving

Leading an active and healthy lifestyle does more than tone your thighs, it also gives you boundless amounts of energy and can brighten your mood! Having a pet forces you to go outside and get moving! Not only will a walk with your pup allow them to get some much-needed exercise, it will also help you get your daily vitamin D boost, which will bump up your serotonin levels and help you maintain your mood.


When you’re struggling to find motivation, or are feeling a bit down-and-out, routine and responsibility help you get back to your best. Having to get outside every day to walk your pup, or having to head to the grocery store to pick up your cat’s favourite food can get you up and going again!

No questions asked

Sometimes we just need someone to listen. Having a pet is like having a friend who is always there for you, listens to all of your problems and just supports you no matter what. Sometimes we all just need to debrief and have a cuddle with our pets to make everything better again!

Pets | Mental Health | Happiness | Jetpets | Helpful Hints

Trigger’s Big Trek – Proud to be supported by Jetpets

The following is a guest post by Royce Hardman.

My name is Royce Hardman. I’m a 26 year old former Australian soldier who has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) resulting from my service in Afghanistan in 2009. Towards the end of 2014, I attempted to take my own life after years of isolation, alcohol abuse and suffering with untreated PTSD. My life was literally saved by my American Blue Staffordshire Terrier and best mate, Trigger.

It was at this moment that I decided to do something “big” to raise awareness of PTSD and address the appalling rate of veteran suicides due to PTSD-related issues. I decided that the biggest thing I could do was walk around Australia, solo and unsupported, with Trigger – and so was born Trigger’s Big Trek.

Trigger and I set off from Rockingham on 27 October 2015 and I expect to return there some time in 2017. I’m hoping to raise at least $250,000 for registered charity organisation Soldier On, who care for wounded and mentally ill veterans.

I’m very proud to be supported by Jetpets, who recently covered transportation costs to have Trigger attend the Remembrance day service in Canberra, and will continue to provide support as Trigger’s Big Trek continues. I can’t thank Jetpets enough as they have given me peace of mind knowing that my best mate is in very safe hands.

Photos, videos and frequent updates will be posted by Royce and Trigger on the Trigger’s Big Trek Facebook page at

Donations to Soldier On can be made on Trigger’s Big Trek campaign page by clicking here.

Trigger meeting Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull at a Remembrance Day Commemoration.
Trigger & Royce meeting Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull at a Remembrance Day Commemoration.
Trigger meeting Prince Charles at a Remembrance Day Commemoration.
Trigger & Royce meeting Prince Charles at a Remembrance Day Commemoration.